Happy New Year and welcome to Week 12 of the “Tour de Cinch”. Time flies and here we are in 2012, I pray you are having a great New Year. I want to thank everyone who has been following my blog and I hope in some way it has been a source of inspiration to you. After today, I will not be doing a weekly blog on our Jones Family Experience page about my weight loss journey but I will still be doing a weekly weigh in update that we will post on our FB and on our “Tour de Cinch” FB page; please follow if you can. So, the tour is not over and you will still be hearing from me if you like, just in a little different format. As far as weight loss goes, I’m at about the half way point for my goal and I must say, I am very encouraged to continue on after seeing the “Cinch” results. This is a plan that has really worked well for me and it has fit my lifestyle perfectly. I love the shakes, I have good energy (this is a downer on conventional type plans) and I’m losing a reasonable amount of weight every week which has been about 1-2 pounds most weeks. In my research and personal experience, I have found that any amount over 2 pounds per week (with maybe the exception of very obese conditions) is not really going to be fat loss but most likely a combination of water, muscle and some fat loss. Because the Cinch plan is designed to avoid muscle loss (thank you Shaklee scientists), the weight loss is really genuine and this also contributes to ongoing good energy levels that I have experienced. Additionally the “Boost” vitamin that is part of the plan is designed to work with the shakes for optimum nutrition and at maintaining a good metabolism. Many diet plans will absolutely wreck one’s metabolism and this will cause the weight loss to be very quickly gained back. Along with the Cinch plan I have included some resistance training and of course my all time favorite pass time, cycling which is were the inspiration for the “tour” part of this was born. Ok…so how did I do on this first week of the New Year…I lost an additional 2 pounds which brings my total to 21 and I’ve also lost over 4 inches in my waist. I hope you will continue to follow my tour and would love to see you join me soon.
God Bless! RJ