Friday, May 28, 2010

Schools Out!!!

Whew!! This incredibly wonderful room we call school room two-thirds of the year, has been redecorated, cleaned and ready for the summer months of now fun and play! Working through the rubble of curriculum books, calendars, flashcards, pencils and notebooks, we finally accomplished the glorious year-end of Kindergarten and Second Grade. My eight-year-old scrubbed walls and curly girl vacuumed floors with anticipation that today was IT! Smiling and singing, I remembered the last day of school as a kid. It was like waiting for Christmas to arrive! No more schedules, no more early mornings of cereal, no more tests and cranky teachers :) (I'm sure, at this moment, my kiddies are thinking the same thing: FREEDOM!!!)'s different for me now. As I gently close their little books and fold the countless art projects, math pages and put their readers along side the other books in the bookshelf, I feel a bit down. Their childlike handwriting...seeing the fulfilling progress throughout the year of reading, writing, math, Bible memory, etc....the many field trips, nature trail walks, nursing home services and shows at the Dixie.....those sweet "Honor Roll" dates we would take them on when they completed each school day's requirement for the month.... I feel so blessed to have enjoyed each of these moments with them.

We never dreamed we would go down this road. Home Education was not our cup of tea! We wanted better for our kids....until they came. Now we are hooked!

Education has taken on a whole new meaning for me. I've been given a responsibility from their Creator. It's more than's lifestyles. It's attitudes and accountability. At this point, my heart cuts me with guilt. What are they really learning from me?

I'm beginning to feel like this is more of a learning experience for me than it is them.

Summer is coming and it's time to.....

just be mommy.

Be blessed!!!!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010


Emma Louise Spencer....

Our latest addition to the family! She is a delightful bundle of beauty. Soft, rosy cheeks and an overabundance of blond hair! Holding her will give anyone the paternal desire to want...hmmm, better not say that here ;)

Her mommy is a delight to me. I consider it a privilege to be related to someone so very special.
Memories take me back to a day when we sat on the old pews of our Uncle James' church. Each girl-cousin sat side by side looking (what we thought) very stylish and classy with our large, square, fake glasses on! Everyone was fooled...but only for a while ;)
The love, laughter and special togetherness we've shared. Living under the same roof for a few months during our "pre-wed" days. Whew! We learned alot and really didn't realize it at the time! The generosity of aunts and uncles and their encouraging words.

When I see this beautiful woman that I call "cousin", I see a woman of inner strength, talent, kindness, tactful grace and, most of all, a Woman of God.

There have been hard times...struggles...challenges...that seem to pull every ounce of joy from our soul. But...Faith has been the balance that has kept Endurance strong.
Emma Louise, you are blessed!
Although you've breathed in this fresh, May air only a few days, your life has been favored. God has placed you in the arms of a most gracious Lady to call Mommy. You've been given parents that love Him above all. A beautiful, big sister that, may wish you were sent back to the hospital...but only for a few days, will teach you how to play, potty and sing!
Although you are a gift, you've been given a gift.....a loving home.
When I held you in my arms yesterday, my heart spoke the words that often come from my lips during the first moments I see a new baby, "Here, O Israel, the Lord our God is one....and thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thine heart." That is something very special that your mommy and daddy will instill in you. May these words be permanently bound to every corner of your heart, mind and soul. They are the answers to all of life's questions. Loving Him. It really is that simple, Emma Louise.
I love your new name. It has an elegant sound to it! You carry the name of your great grandmother. That's important.....knowing who you are. Too many are confused about this. It's easy to become that way in this generation. Follow closely in His steps and you will never become confused, baby girl.
You are beautiful and I wish you the very best this new life has to offer you!
Aunt Dar

Sunday, May 16, 2010

7 days

"Momma, I'm putting your computer in time-out!" Those cute, little words proceeded from her lips and quickly reminded me of the all-too-many hours I've indulged in emails, blogging and....I hate to admit it: FB.

Sacred, timeless moments with my children have been sacrificed for this square box of personal sad.

So, in an effort to revamp my real calling in life, I am pushing this addictive-driven, time-thief away for 7 days.

My plans are these:

To enjoy each day with my children.

To learn more with them and about them.

To have dinner on time.

To spend more time with my Savior and Best Friend.

To have a cleaner house.

To stay out of other people's business on FB.

Be, especially, to be the wife and mother I watched my momma be.....

I don't think these days will be wasted! ;)

(I don't ever remember her staying on the computer, much less having one!)

Love you all!

Friday, May 14, 2010

The beauty of every moment...

I've been sincerely looking for ways to be positive.

So much negativity in the world today. It appears that no one is really interested in good news.

At times, I've seen a reflection of my own attitude carry into my children's perspective and quickly realized the need for an attitude renovation!

Am I a drama queen? Well...naw....sort of....only when my closest feathers get ruffled...then I sit on that egg until it hatches.

Exactly what is Drama, anyway?

Beauty is in the eyes of the Beholder.

I'm discovering that the more I search for it, beauty is found in almost any situation. Of course, our human tendency is to look for anything that will attract attention....and, unfortunately, that is the true test of our Christ-like nature. Am I attracted to great, inspiring moments? or fault finding and issues in other's lives?

Well, in looking for the positives, I've listed a few things that are interesting to me:


I am changing the sixth stinky diaper of the day.....that means my babies are not constipated! ;)

I can't seem to get one of the twins down for a nap (and have a few quiet moments to myself)....that means I get to thoroughly indulge in that wide-eyed awake twin for a few hours!

I see the house in a complete disaster and am assessing the damages...that means I've played all day with my kiddies and we've been extra creative!

I feel a tiny fevered brow...that means my baby's immune system is healthy, doing it's job and fighting that nasty infection!

I am disappointed because my email won't work....that means that supper will be on time today and we will all stay on schedule!

it's raining cats and dogs outside (as has been the weather here for some time)....that means the kids and I will snuggle many times on the couch and just read stories together.

our electricity is out....then I will demonstrate to the kids of how Pioneer People used to live and light candles.

I hear one of my kids crying from a boo-boo....that means I get to hold them and comfort them (building up for that time when they will be on their own and won't ask for hugs, prayers and band aids)

I see all the neighborhood kids running to my open garage....that means my kids will be here instead of who-knows-where doing who-knows-what and I'll get to give lots more love to many more kids that won't forget my house when they are grown.

I am exhausted from a crazy night's sleep because of numerous nightmares from my babies...then I will remember how blessed I am to be the mommy of two, beautiful preemie twins that came home from the NICU happy and healthy.

I am ready for a break from homeschooling my kids that are totally unfocused and full of energy....then I will count how many more days we get the privilege of experiencing the beauty of learning together, as a family.

I wish my husband would take me for a date, but instead asks "What's for dinner?"....then I will hold my tongue and be so grateful to be called the wife of such a wonderful provider, daddy, lover and friend.

I would like to sleep in on Sunday morning and forget getting everyone ready for church, because once I get there I will have babies crawling all over me anyway!....then I will consider how many times I've left the house of God refreshed in His Spirit and ready for a new week. And I will be teaching my children faithfulness in the process.

I have heard disturbing news of a friend's reputation...then I will sincerely pray that they will find their way back and remember that we are all made in the image of God.

I am worried over the reduction of pay in my husband's check....then I will remember the Word that was promised.."Your Heavenly Father knoweth what you have need of." and I will learn to become a better manager of our money.

I am depressed because there is just too much to do. Too many people demanding my attention and no enough me to go around....then I will steal away for a quiet place to pray and discover an even more intimate friend that becomes my Helper!

There are so many beautiful things to see in's all in perspective!

Life is good!

Early morning moments...

In the beauty of this early morning with the Lord, I ran across some of my favorite quotes and poems.

This newly discovered quote has had deep meaning to me over the past few days. It was written by a friend of many years who suffered incredible loss when his wife passed away with cancer at a young age. He wrote this in the cover of a Bible to a friend who had been struggling. His simple, scribbled note still stands strong today:

"That which seems simple will, upon close examination, become profound when you add God." ~Larry Tillman

Now I share my all-time favorite poem. This old, wrinkled sheet of paper has been experienced the dampness of my tears and the heat of my whispered prayers over the years. I've personally known the passion and feeling of it's meaning....many times. It speaks of all those who have walked This Way and gives answers to those who feel overwhelmed with life. I'm not aware of who wrote it, but they must have been very near the Lord during it's inspiring writing:

"I stand upon the mount of God

with sunlight in my soul.

I hear the storms and vales beneath

I hear the thunder roll.

But I am calm with Thee, my God

beneath these glorious skies.

And to the height on which I stand

no storms nor clouds can rise.

O this is life!

O this is joy!

My God, to find Thee so.

Thy face to see,

Thy voice to hear

and all Thy love to know."

Although I have hundreds of favorite scriptures, this morning this verse seems to speak the loudest:
"The way of life winds upward for the wise,
That he may turn away from the hell below."
Proverbs 15:24 (NKJV)

May His presence be your delight and guide this weekend! Be blessed....


Wednesday, May 12, 2010

She's graduating today...

My little curly-girl is growing up.

Her smiling eyes and crooked-tooth grin has won my heart these past 5 years.

Tonight she will walk down that aisle to "Pomp and Circumstance" and receive a kindergarten diploma that says she knows a few fun things: painting, beginner reading, scribble grounds, identifying bugs and butterflies, adding numbers, baking cornbread and manners.

Anna, this is the fun part of your education. This is the beginning of many things for you.

I will be sitting there watching you, with cap and gown on, gracefully walking toward the front with tears in my eyes. Because, I will be remembering.....

"Bizz me up, momma!"

"Idea, memaw, let's wing"

"Let me fix my hair."

"I want to wear that gown-night instead."
"I never want to get married!! I want to stay here and live with you and Daddy forever."

wild flower bouquets given so freely and full of love...
singing your little made-up songs with that beautiful voice of yours.....

finger paints smeared all over the table and clothes...

hand-written love letters to me that I'll save forever...
hearing you sing those beautiful made-up songs with your sweet voice....
your homemade peanut butter and honey sandwiches smeared all over the kitchen....

curls falling into your beautiful, blue eyes....
"grounding" me from the computer and emails, because, "They take up all your time!"

those sweet hairdos you fix that require a thousand bobby pins....

little princess tea parties in your room....with only you and me...and sometimes the twins....

the day you were born....

the moment I held you in my arms...

nursing you and cuddling you close....

playing games with you and reading stories..."The House That Jack Built"

now you read me stories!

knowing that I've been your teacher and mommy...

watching you take that first step...

"Daughter's of Zion" with you each night....

Listening to the ballet music and watching you dancing around the house like you were floating on air....

Hearing you whisper, "I love you, momma".

My baby girl, I will never take those beautiful moments for granted. And, tonight, you will be entering into a new arena...a new chapter...a big girl world. I know you like to wobble around in heals sometimes. It's so cute. Your mismatched outfit for the day and my squabbling over it all. I love you, my graceful princess. I am so proud of you. I've been where you are going...that big girl world is far more educating than textbooks and curriculum. My prayers are that you will find friendship with Jesus and let His wisdom and guidance be your desire. Life's education can be cruel at times, but as I refer to often: It's all in how you look at it! Keep a positive attitude and stay away from negativism, junk food and bad influences.

Thank you for letting me be your mommy.

Congratulations, Anna Elizabeth Kaye Jones!

Love, Momma

Monday, May 10, 2010

Just A Little Talk With Jesus Makes It Right...

I love that song!

Sitting on the old, hammond organ bench at church over six years ago, I'd prayed for months that the birth of my baby daughter would be uncomplicated and fully natural. As I sat there that Sunday morning playing this beautiful, old song, I felt an assurance from the Lord that my prayers were heard and would be answered accordingly.

As Mary did, I pondered those things in my heart and didn't really share that feeling with very many people as my previous delivery with my son was quite complicated.

Sure enough, a few months later, she came just as He promised. Fully natural....completely uncomplicated. Since that moment, the power of those words in this song has always been precious to me.

Today it became real again.....

It's raining outside. The unusually cool, damp air doesn't beckon my children to come outside and play. Last night was spent rocking sick baby....crying...praying...all those things that make your 36 year-old body seem 40 years older. I knew when my tired eyes opened that it was going to be one of those days.

If you are a mother, whether of 6 months or 50 years, you know this feeling!

I lay in bed thinking of ways to preoccupy my school age children and keep twin 2 happy and safe while I rested. That's a hard one! I thought. Though, the real obstacle was not my children...but that tired, easily frustrated attitude I get when I've had a really bad night.

I knew it was going to be difficult today. Maybe, if I just stay in bed and forget everything. No, that's not an option. Well, let's see how long well baby stays in his crib and plays while sick one lays with me. That was good for about 30 minutes.

"", his soft whispers drifted to my ears. He knows not to be too loud as his sleeping brother snuggles beside me. I couldn't resist. Ok, my love bug, here I come. Stretching my weary legs, I glanced at the clock...8:38am. Mmmmm, getting a very late start today. Too much to do to sleep any later!

I just know it's going to be one of those days.

The morning came so quickly...breakfast...beds made...showers...dressed and ready for quoting and school. Mom is foggy. It seems that no one is cooperating like I want them to. Kids sense my weariness. Fussing calls..emails...all those necessary things that pull my attention a way from what's really important: loving my kids.

The air becomes thick with depression. Routine is gone. House becomes a scattered toy box.

I rush upstairs to check that important email. One of my favorite blogs have been updated. The sound of classical piano music begins to unwind my frayed nerves. As I began reading, I knew the Lord had sent this to me. It spoke to my soul.

I pull away from the computer desk, reach for the Bible sitting closely by and kneel down in surrender to the only One that can make this day better....make ME better.

"But Jesus called them unto him, and said, Ye know that the princes of the Gentiles exercise dominion over them, and they that are great exercise authority upon them. But it shall not be so among you: but whosoever will be great among you, let him be your minister; And whosoever will be chief among you, let him be your servant: Even as the Son of man came not to be ministered unto, but to minister, and to give his life a ransom for many." Matthew 20:25-28

Weeping and listening to Him speak His love language through the His Word., I felt my spirits lift as if the weight of the day had floated right through the ceiling. Jesus was reminding me that a mother's real job was to show her children how to serve others. Love. Isn't that the epitome of what a Mother is? Joy is a by-product of that simple word.

Real J.O.Y. is this: Jesus first, Others second, You last.

I ran downstairs with a smile on my lips and a song on my heart. I guess you already know what that song was....

Quickly making a big teapot full of hot chocolate (you know me..the healthier stuff), gathering my little chick-a-dees around me on quilted couch, we read those verses in red. We talked about and discussed that scripture setting. Their bright eyes twinkled as they grasped the meaning of it all. I could see excitement. They asked questions. They wanted this. That's what I call real home education!

Something in that moment changed the atmosphere of our home. Though it rained and poured on the outside there was sunshine and love in our warm, cozy house.

My desire is that one day they will learn this beautiful lesson and snuggle with their children on a fluffy couch with hot chocolate and Bible in hand.

Just a little talk with Jesus really makes everything all right!

Sunday, May 9, 2010

The Most Unforgettable Moment of BQ

Four tournaments.

Four championships won.

Trophies...awards....ribbons...decorating their bedrooms.

With the exception of 2 losses, we were undefeated.

We've played countless quizzes and all, with the simplicity of a summer's breeze blowing through the wild flowers, we'd skunked them...every one. Oh yeah, there were a few close calls, but mostly, our boys had quickly let the other teams know: They were the best!

Two, little rough and tumble country boys. So cute in their eight-year-old ways! Quizzing and quoting, quizzing and seemed like practice would never end some days!

Alex and Landon could light a fire to that buzzer system :) They wanted to win. They liked trophies and enjoyed the recognition that their diligence deserved.

For anyone that is unfamiliar with Bible Quizzing, our two little men are learning 183 verses in the book of Acts. They quiz other teams with these verses. Within 5 seconds of giving them a reference they can quickly quote anything in their verses of study. It never fails to amaze me!

This was the BIG ONE....The Lonnie Brown Memorial Tournament in Poplar Bluff, Missouri. Teams as far as Denver, Colorado were coming. We were excited!! All prepped for the trip, vans loaded, seat belts was LBM or bust! Their minds and mouths were going a hundred miles an hour all the way there...quoting, laughing and singing the verses they were going to pound the MO district with! It just about drove us crazy...

Early that morning, we met for praise and worship service prior to the quizzes. The presence of the Lord was so rich and inviting among the quizzers! I slipped my hand into Alex's small hand and began praying that God would grant wisdom and let His Word come alive in their hearts. There is so much more to this than competition, I thought.

The quizzes began. Our first quiz on the matrix was against the MO district's very best. Lebanon. We were already informed that they had placed in the BQE in Ohio. I knew my boys were nervous. I was nervous.....

We won. Wow! Those cute little girls sitting on the other end of the table were not so scary as we had imagined. But they were good!

Our next game was an easy win.

Now we faced the 2nd placer's in the district.....hmmmmm, they had placed at BQE. We knew they had a reputation. Two, little blond headed girls from Cape Girardeau. Cute as a button! The innocent-childhood french braids down their backs. Matching yellow shirts. Mom and Grandma coaching. The perfect match. We interrupted too much and too soon. We lost. Landon was found in the van, crying. "Mom, if it just wasn't girls it would be different!" They ate us for lunch. Our championship boys had never lost to two little girls before. How humiliated they were! I smile thinking about the pep talk Landon and I had in the van.

"Now, honey, you remember we decided that whether we won or lost we would give God the glory?"

"Yea, yeah, mom....I've already done that." It still didn't take the sting of losing to girls out, though. As mom and coach, I hurt for my men, but still continued to look for the positive side of things. "We still get to play again. Maybe you all will come back and win."

We had to wait until the 15th quiz on the matrix. It was our turn again. Can you guess who we played? Yep, it was the "Cape Girls". We were already at 2nd place and were playing for the championship. We weakly glanced over at the Mom and Grandma coaches and smiled. Well, here we are again, I thought. Let the games begin!

All the way through the first and second rounds, we stayed neck-in-neck with them. I think we were all shaking in our shoes ;)

The last of the 30 pointers were interrupted by the Cape. Quotation Completion. The Quiz Master and the judges put their heads together for what seemed like an eternity. I knew she missed one tiny word. Would they catch it? It was soooo close.

The Quiz Master walked over to his podium and announced that she was "correct". Momma Coach stood up and celebrated! The Quiz Master closed the quiz quickly. Landon turned around and collapsed into my shoulders sobbing. "Mom, I was going to contest...they didn't have it right..." Gently holding him, I reassured him that all would be OK. He continued crying and we just sat there on the bench. I knew his heart was broken.

Within just a few moments, Grandma Coach from the Cape Girls, rushed over to us. Through out the quiz tournament, she sat behind her team quietly with kind eyes and a gentle smile. I could sense that she was a woman of prayer without even really getting to know her.

She wrapped Landon in her arms and cried with him. It was that Grandmother's heart that ached for him. Through her tears, she whispered in his ear,

"This is our first championship." She continued to hold his shoulders with tears flowing down both of their cheeks, she asked,

"Have you ever won first place?" Landon nodded his head...."Four times." he whispered. Her next words are some that I will never forget. She said them so passionately that Sis. Glenda Ruff and I, both, had tears flowing now.

"Can you rejoice with us, then?"

Landon nodded his head and his eight-year old lips formed the words, "Yes."

At that moment new perspective opened my eyes and heart. I've never been too upset by the four losses we had experienced. Only the look of disappointment in my boy's eyes is what gets to the momma in me.

When she spoke those words, I knew it was a God moment. He was revealing to us the beauty of losing. He had sent us here for this very reason. In all our quizzing and all our recognitions and awards...we had missed the most wonderful part of it. That precious lady had woven a new revelation into our quizzing that we had missed: Weep with those who weep, rejoice with those who rejoice. Her actions were the picture-perfect reflection of how Jesus would have responded.

I tenderly look at my son and the words flowed from my soul, "Lan, when that first place trophy is awarded to them, we are going to be the first to stand and applaud them!"

When the moment came for their glory, I looked over at Landon sitting on the front row with his daddy. He was the first one standing with an enormous smile on his face...hands clapping for this team the Cape Girls, Momma and Grandma Coach and the most incredible lesson we've ever learned in Bible far.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Now I know why....

That wonderful time of the day has arrived! Everyone is snuggled beneath covers, lights are dim, the house is clean and only the sound of the dryer can be heard. I sneak upstairs to release my thoughts and embrace my feelings for the day. Adverbs...pronouns...compound predicates...fragments...complete sentences...multiplication...division...planting apple house...packing for tomorrow's trip...all those thoughts running through my head. Allowing the quiet to engulf me can be difficult at times.

As a child, I vividly remember Mom burning the 'midnight oil' after we all went to bed. I never understood why she would give up hours of sound sleep for.....

....deep cleaning the house that had been filled with laughter, three messy children and all their friends, rich and delicious, homemade meals and the many other activities that filled our home with love. I like to call her my modern day Mary Poppins!

....sewing into the wee hours of the morning for my sister and I. She is a Master Seamstress. We've been privileged to choose exactly the design of dress we liked and, usually without a pattern, she made it! I'll always remember the feeling of waking up with excitement and glancing over at my bedroom door to see the beautiful dress she worked so diligently on throughout the night. It was like Christmas time all over!

....reading or just relaxing in the quiet. She's not one to relax very often. My mom "likes to stay busy" (as she puts it).

....praying and interceding for her family. We didn't run to the doctor over every bump or bruise. My momma just prayed. I've been amazed as a child seeing God do the miraculous! Yes, there were times we visited the family physician, but he wasn't our dearest friend. When my momma prayed it moved heaven and earth. Her prayers came from the depths of her soul. Because she continued to 'carried the torch' I am a fifth generation apostolic mother. Mom, that fills my heart with thankfulness. I want to pass these precious truths to my curly headed sweetheart.

...talking, but mostly listening to teenagers in distress. She is a woman of excellent communication skills. I've cried many tears on her strong shoulders. I've lashed out destructive words to her ears. In the aftermath of it all, I apologize (because she taught me to do so) and she gently reminds me that "everyone needs a sounding board".

Oooooh, how I wish I was just like my momma!

Where she made up her sleep, I don't know. She never laid around the house in her pajamas. She never appeared to be sleep-deprived. I simply don't know how she did it all! But, after putting four, precious children to bed, with their angelic faces laying softly on their I know why she did.

Happy Mother's Day, Momma! I love you so much.

Sunday, May 2, 2010


"the Lord hath his way in the whirlwind and in the storm, and the clouds are the dust of his feet." Nahum 1:3

Racing pulse....sweaty palms....reaching for pillows, quilts, flashlight...listening intently for any breaking news of when and where the storm is heading.....calling family and friends to ensure they are aware and prepared. This has been a scenario that we are all too familiar with lately.

Last night was one of those nights.

The Civil Defense alarm blared the warning, we quickly awoke the children and carried them to the hallway for a safer place to wait. Family pouring in through the garage, coming to find shelter with us.

It was 4:00 am.

I'm too tired for all this!, my body screamed....couldn't it hold off until after a good night's sleep? I reminisced the many, too numerous to count, times furious weather had been our small town's unwelcome visitor. I thought about the paralyzing fear that accompanied the radio's announcement. I was employed with the county at that time. Our courthouse had a large basement that we all ran too like frightened animals. That sinking feeling and overwhelming fear always made me sick! Since a little girl in grade school, I feared the dreaded word: tornado.

One day, during such a time, I was literally shaking while trying to issue a license plate to a very calm, assured customer. I'll never forget his comforting words that have, to this day, made all the difference for me during bad weather.

"I used to be scared to death of tornadoes. One day it just hit me, Jesus knows where I'm at and He's with me. I don't have to be afraid now."

I'd heard that so many times from family and friends....He is with us, it's OK. Don't worry. I can't explain why this time was different. But something in his kind voice reminded me that maybe the Lord sent him my way to release me of fear.

A little over two years ago, a similar storm hit our area. My premature twins lay in the Neonatal ICU 45 minutes away from our home. My husband warned me to leave the NICU at 4pm as he knew the strong tornadic storms were moving in! As I was leaving the room where they shared a tiny isolette, men were screwing quilts up into the windows. We had been told by the national weather forecast that this storm was certain to be severe. I opened the door to my vehicle, crying and asking God for peace and protection for my babies. Randomly opening His Word, my eyes fell to the verses in Psalms 121:4-5 "Behold he that keepeth Israel shall neither slumber nor sleep. The Lord is thy keeper; the Lord is thy shade upon thy right hand." Comfort and peace filled every nerve in my body. Soon after the storm made it's destructive path through our state, I discovered that a tornado had hit within a few miles of the hospital my boys were in. Thankfulness and trust became my new storm friends.

To this day, I'm very respectful of warnings, watches and weather announcements. I don't pretend to be bigger and better than a big, bad tornado! But I have a deep seeded assurance that He is bigger and better than any of those wild winds. Do I feel that nervous anxiety of the mysteriously unknown? Yeah. Am I paralyzed by it? Nope. I prepare and pray. I've found that some of the best family prayer meetings happen during those times. I can almost grin thinking about it, until I remember the power of God on my little 8 year old as he prayed against the storm. We talk about His awesome miracles as He stopped the storm on the sea of Galilee. We sing songs that bring peace and hope to our hearts. We feel the peace enough to even tell jokes and laugh with family. That overwhelming fear.....well, to me, it's worse than the storm itself. I can handle a few moments of nervous wonder.

Remembering last night, I can still see those sweet faces of my children gathered in the hallway with cousins, Memaw, Grandma, aunt and uncle talking, telling stories, laughing and praying together. Funny how much fun you can have during a tornado warning..although, at this posting, my living room looks like the aftermath of a destructive F-4 ;)