Our latest addition to the family! She is a delightful bundle of beauty. Soft, rosy cheeks and an overabundance of blond hair! Holding her will give anyone the paternal desire to want...hmmm, better not say that here ;)
Her mommy is a delight to me. I consider it a privilege to be related to someone so very special.
Memories take me back to a day when we sat on the old pews of our Uncle James' church. Each girl-cousin sat side by side looking (what we thought) very stylish and classy with our large, square, fake glasses on! Everyone was fooled...but only for a while ;)
The love, laughter and special togetherness we've shared. Living under the same roof for a few months during our "pre-wed" days. Whew! We learned alot and really didn't realize it at the time! The generosity of aunts and uncles and their encouraging words.
There have been hard times...struggles...challenges...that seem to pull every ounce of joy from our soul. But...Faith has been the balance that has kept Endurance strong.
Emma Louise, you are blessed!
Although you've breathed in this fresh, May air only a few days, your life has been favored. God has placed you in the arms of a most gracious Lady to call Mommy. You've been given parents that love Him above all. A beautiful, big sister that, may wish you were sent back to the hospital...but only for a few days, will teach you how to play, potty and sing!
Although you are a gift, you've been given a gift.....a loving home.
When I held you in my arms yesterday, my heart spoke the words that often come from my lips during the first moments I see a new baby, "Here, O Israel, the Lord our God is one....and thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thine heart." That is something very special that your mommy and daddy will instill in you. May these words be permanently bound to every corner of your heart, mind and soul. They are the answers to all of life's questions. Loving Him. It really is that simple, Emma Louise.
I love your new name. It has an elegant sound to it! You carry the name of your great grandmother. That's important.....knowing who you are. Too many are confused about this. It's easy to become that way in this generation. Follow closely in His steps and you will never become confused, baby girl.
You are beautiful and I wish you the very best this new life has to offer you!
Aunt Dar
This is so precious... so happy for them and their little Emma!
It's amazing to me how little time it takes for a mama's arm to ache to hold a blessing fresh from God. This was a precious post....makes me so anxious to hold my baby Sadie, very soon!
Love you!
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