Day 5 at Granna's
Every female on this planet wants to feel that they are adored by someone. Camilia had written. Though over a century later, Selah felt the fervency of that statement. Even as a newborn babe, a girl knows if she is being loved and adored by her parents. She must feel wanted...needed...loved. Camilia's words made a lasting impression on Selah.
Selah felt stronger today. She was sitting on the wicker porch swing sipping iced tea and devouring the next volume of Camilia's diary. Katie was sitting neatly on the braided rug beside Selah's hand bag. Granna was working on the front porch giving her miniature poodle, Sassy, a good bubble bath in the metal washtub. Sassy was obviously enjoying every scrub.
"Granna, did Grampa make you feel adored?" Looking up from the journal, Selah asked inquisitively.
Granna paused to think for a moment. Grampa had been gone for four years now. "Grampa sure loved me an awful lot, honey." Then she spoke quietly, "I loved him, too. He was a man of respect and honor." Then she thought a little more. "Say, you may not completely understand what I'm telling you right now. But throughout time women have desired to know that their Prince Charming on his white horse lives only for them. That's why there are so many romantic stories of princesses!" Granna smiled. She continued, "There's been alot of disappointed wives when they discover that soon after the ceremony their man wants to go fishing....without them!" Now Selah was laughing. Sassy barked in delight as she jumped from the wash tub and shook off water all over Granna! It was a sight!
Although, sprinkled with Sassy's bath water, Granna was enjoying the entertainment. She sat down beside Selah and smoothed her blond ringlets between her fingers as she whispered in a more solemn voice, "Never expect too much from those you love and you'll never be disappointed. " Granna took a sip of iced tea and continued, "Honey, Jesus adores you...He made you so unique and special. Always remember that He will never disappoint you." Her words touched a tender place in Selah's heart. She knew it was true.
"Come on, Say, let's go make some ice-cream! My neighbor just brought me a bushel full of fresh picked strawberries and I just know they are gonna be delicious in that cream!" Selah closed the much admired journal and picked up ever observant Katie as she and Granna went in the house arm in arm grinning at the prospect of homemade ice-cream.
(to be continued)