Day 4
Warm Peppermint Tea, A Diary & Rest
Sweat beads dripped down Selah's forehead as she threw the quilt back and sighed.
The worried look on Granna's face was exchanged for a smile of relief. "Honey, you've been shivering like a frog on ice for the past two days. Your Granna is thankful this fever's finally broke." Selah gave a weak, tired grin.
"Sorry I came and got sick on you, Granna."
"Don't you fret about this, Say. Getting sick is just an unfortunate part of life! God puts an amazing 'fight back' in each of us...and that's what you've been doing. I sure don't know what brought it on, except that maybe you just needed to rest..here at Granna's." The smile was back along with a warm cup of herbal tea. Peppermint tea. Selah's favorite.
Granna closed the door behind her as she went back downstairs.
Selah pulled herself up in the soft bed and leaned against fluffy pillows. She looked over at the pink Wild Wonder rose bouquet...the bright sunny window with shades partly drawn...her nightstand with Bible close at hand.
Hmmm...the last thing I remember was going to bed cold...really cold. Wonder if Granna's called Momma yet? Oh, I hope not! She'll worry about me. Selah's thoughts were whirling as she happened to notice an old book laying on her night stand under her Bible. The book looked worn and well read. She picked it up and, out of curiosity, opened the yellowed pages.
Looks like a diary. Wonder who.....Oh, it says here....Camilia Elaine Staten. I remember Granna saying that she was Ivey's sister. Selah began to read.
"October 6, 1889 'I peered through this upstairs, bedroom window of my sister Ivey's house. The sun shines through as I see him very distantly working in the garden....' " Selah drew in her breath as she wondered who he was? She remembered Granna had informed her of that Aunt Camilia never married.
Selah felt a tinge of guilt over reading someone's private writings, but curiosity got the best of her and she continued.
Selah turned on the lamp beside her bed just as she finished reading the first volume of Aunt Camilia's diary. Oh my, I must have been reading for hours! This is was so intriguing that I just couldn't put it down.
She giggled as she read about Camilia's teenage twin brothers trying to paint Ivey's kitchen...paint spilled everywhere! Tears filled her eyes when she discovered the love that Camilia had for him was never returned. He was never revealed by name. Although, Selah had a full description of what he looked like and even his reserved personality.
Camilia's handwriting was very flowery and exquisite. She must have been beautiful! Selah imagined her to be as beautiful as her name. I wonder if she knew God. Her last thoughts were interrupted by Granna's entrance.
"How are you feeling, Say? You look better." Granna had brought up an enticing tray of chicken and dumplings, buttermilk cornbread and a tall glass of fresh lemonade. Selah's eyes lit up, "Thank you, Granna! I'm starving! I hope it was alright that I've been reading Aunt Camilia's diary. I just finished it."
Granna touched the old book. "I left it here for you, honey. There's so much history there. You need to know who you are." Selah didn't quite understand that statement. Granna continued, "Your ancestors have left each of us a rich heritage. Something to be proud of! I'm bringing you the next three volumes of Camilia's diaries. She very carefully documented much of our family's history during that time period. Camilia died young, but left a lasting legacy in diaries."
As Selah tasted the delicious dumplings, she pondered in her heart....It's so sad to think that Camilia didn't get to have children and live a long, happy life! She sounds so creative and interesting.
Granna explained that she had all Camilia's diaries safely stored in the attic. Ivey had put them there when Camilia passed away. She wanted to preserve as much of her sister's memory as she could. Granna promised that Selah could take them home with her to read and study if she wanted to. Selah excitedly agreed that she would be very careful and return them as soon as she finished reading them.
Selah was still left with the question when Granna kissed her good-night, I wonder if Camilia knew God?
(to be continued)
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