Friday, December 17, 2010

The Sacredness of Christmas

This happens to me every year about this time....

I start thinking about Him. The sacrifice. The selfless life. Why He came. I just can't hold it back. Tears come to my eyes and an overwhelming sense of belonging to Someone much more Awesome than Life itself.

I can't shrink away from pondering....wondering....the sacredness of this Season. The beauty and timeless hope it brings not only to me, but everyone that as ever been born! The Birth brought the Cross. He knew it, too.

The stress of gifts, parties, decorating, musicals, dramas, plays, trying to please...just seem to fade to the importance of Him. There is the very real feeling of being unworthy. Words are inadequate to really describe. I know me. He knows me. Yet, He loves me. That's when my soul fills with worship. I want my children to know. And while they have the Nativity Story well-rehearsed, I want them to feel the sacredness... It's a life-changing experience. It's when Christmas comes ALIVE!
Yes, I know.... There is this crazy, insane fight for every one's worship during the month of December. Worship is where our heart really is. Could it be the beautifully ornamented tree? Maybe the gifts that I've been saving for months to purchase? Could it even be the fun, little fantasies of this season? No....when it comes to Jesus...Emmanuel...God with us....

Nothing can compare to Him!

And, while my children and I will celebrate His glorious birth with a birthday cake, candles, ice-cream and balloons singing "Happy Birthday, Jesus" in only a few days, my heart will be filled with something much deeper.....

"O holy night, the stars are brightly shining.
It is the night of our dear Saviour's birth....
O night divine! O night when Christ was born!"

Merry Christmas to you all! May your holiday be filled with lasting JOY!!

Love, Darla

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Silly Surprises!

I can still remember last night! Daddy sitting at the end of our dining room table with both twins on either side playing with playdo. Daddy had worked late and was eating his supper just before bedtime. My sweet little boys were clad in orange UT pajamas and eagerly shaping their playdo in delight! Daddy talking and eating his huge salad a hundred miles and hour as I worked in the kitchen. Suddenly, a silly grin crossed his face as he asked, "Who threw the playdo?" I looked clueless. He continued, "My last bite of salad had a chunk of salty something in it. I knew what happened when I saw bright pink on my plate!"

Some memories are just to priceless to not share! :)

Have a blessed day!


Monday, December 13, 2010


"God doesn't care what our outside looks like, He's just interested in what's inside." The innocence flowed from her lips as I listened contently.

Yeah, that's definitely a common religious quote. For months I have pondered this very statement as I'd watched so many build their new found experience around it. What used to be sacred has suddenly become unimportant.

Hmmmm.....God, I know there are answers. Yes, there are scriptures...there are explanations....interpretations... But nothing can beat personal revelation light. And today I needed a little!

In His loving, gentle way the Lord brought a picture of His body dying on that bloody tree to mind. He reminded me that He gave me all. Inside and out. Flesh and Spirit. Nothing held back.

He doesn't just want a part of me. He wants complete control of everything I am. Body, soul, mind and spirit. So, it IS important to You! What I think, what I wear, how I act....You want it ALL. Wow!! How beautiful this picture of self-less love is. Your Word really is my guideline for living. Thank You. Thank You! You didn't leave anything out :)

Yes, a few deep questions were answered for me today. I'm thankful that my Master taught me. Just a side note: whatever I am feeding my spirit and mind on will eventually show up in my appearance. Is this a New Revelation? I don't think so.

My prayer: Lord, give me Your heart for those things that are truly important. Let my outward Lady not be ruled by Hollywood, the latest trend or other's opinion and my inward Lady be seasoned with love and gentleness. Because if I don't love it, I won't live it. Let my mind be filled with Christ-likeness so that when others see me~they see You. Thank You, in Jesus' precious Name...amen.