Monday, December 13, 2010


"God doesn't care what our outside looks like, He's just interested in what's inside." The innocence flowed from her lips as I listened contently.

Yeah, that's definitely a common religious quote. For months I have pondered this very statement as I'd watched so many build their new found experience around it. What used to be sacred has suddenly become unimportant.

Hmmmm.....God, I know there are answers. Yes, there are scriptures...there are explanations....interpretations... But nothing can beat personal revelation light. And today I needed a little!

In His loving, gentle way the Lord brought a picture of His body dying on that bloody tree to mind. He reminded me that He gave me all. Inside and out. Flesh and Spirit. Nothing held back.

He doesn't just want a part of me. He wants complete control of everything I am. Body, soul, mind and spirit. So, it IS important to You! What I think, what I wear, how I act....You want it ALL. Wow!! How beautiful this picture of self-less love is. Your Word really is my guideline for living. Thank You. Thank You! You didn't leave anything out :)

Yes, a few deep questions were answered for me today. I'm thankful that my Master taught me. Just a side note: whatever I am feeding my spirit and mind on will eventually show up in my appearance. Is this a New Revelation? I don't think so.

My prayer: Lord, give me Your heart for those things that are truly important. Let my outward Lady not be ruled by Hollywood, the latest trend or other's opinion and my inward Lady be seasoned with love and gentleness. Because if I don't love it, I won't live it. Let my mind be filled with Christ-likeness so that when others see me~they see You. Thank You, in Jesus' precious Name...amen.

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