Thursday, July 5, 2012

"You Shall Have No Lack"

Those are the words, I felt that the Lord had whispered in my heart on that early morning in the kitchen.

"You shall have no lack."

Each year our incredible church family had completely covered the tab of our Bible Quiz expenses.  In fact, the first year we started JBQ, our church spent over $10,000 on the Bible Quiz Ministry alone and yet, that was the year we (as a church) were able to pay of the church mortgage! Wow!  Isn't that how He works?  But this year was different and it had been announced that our Bible Quiz Ministry was going to be Parent-funded. This was a year to "trust that He would be our Provider".  Because if  anyone understands this incredible ministry, the traveling can be expensive....but without a doubt, completely worth it.  As the Leaders of the BQM, we felt the financial insecurity of knowing that the funding would be completely ours to take care of.  Fund raisers, cake auctions, church dinners, a homeschool mom of four with a home-based business, I knew I didn't have the time for these things.  My plate was already full and running over...but that most beautiful morning the Lord confirmed to me that all would be taken care of!  I rejoiced in my kitchen like it was Friday night at an old-time Campmeeting!   I had heard His voice before and knew those words would be TRUE!  He has never failed to keep His promises to me.  However, whenever, whoever or would happen, even if it didn't appear that it would. 

The first test came with Extravaganza in IL and OH.  We needed several thousand dollars to raise for both Beginner, Junior, Intermediate and Senior Teams to have the awesome opportunity to compete there.  A one-time Wednesday night offering brought in the entire amount needed!!! Wow!!  The Lord really did it!  From January to June, we never lacked in finance.  Through each tournament and competition the need was supplied.

State Finals came and went and we were privileged to place 2nd in the Juniors Division.  Our Intermediate team also placed 2nd.  Two teams going to Nationals in Branson, MO and St. Louis, MO. But He said that we would have no lack....

I'm sitting here this morning, only weeks away from traveling to Branson, MO with my little quizzing machine, Lan-man.  This time we are bringing the entire family.  A week in Branson with a budget that reminds me that the Lord is a Faithful God!  I have it all on paper.  It's in the thousands.  We are going budget-conscience.  I'm scanning my brain for ways to raise money, but each time I remember His words.  My Parallel Bible led me to the chapter that is probably most familiar: Psalms 23.  This time I read it in the Amplified Version.  It all became clear to me now:

"THE LORD is my Shepherd (to feed, guide and shield me), I shall have no lack." 

Has there ever been a time in my life when I lacked?  Only during those times that I didn't trust Him.
He's a God of abundance!  My God is more than enough......

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