Friday, May 14, 2010

The beauty of every moment...

I've been sincerely looking for ways to be positive.

So much negativity in the world today. It appears that no one is really interested in good news.

At times, I've seen a reflection of my own attitude carry into my children's perspective and quickly realized the need for an attitude renovation!

Am I a drama queen? Well...naw....sort of....only when my closest feathers get ruffled...then I sit on that egg until it hatches.

Exactly what is Drama, anyway?

Beauty is in the eyes of the Beholder.

I'm discovering that the more I search for it, beauty is found in almost any situation. Of course, our human tendency is to look for anything that will attract attention....and, unfortunately, that is the true test of our Christ-like nature. Am I attracted to great, inspiring moments? or fault finding and issues in other's lives?

Well, in looking for the positives, I've listed a few things that are interesting to me:


I am changing the sixth stinky diaper of the day.....that means my babies are not constipated! ;)

I can't seem to get one of the twins down for a nap (and have a few quiet moments to myself)....that means I get to thoroughly indulge in that wide-eyed awake twin for a few hours!

I see the house in a complete disaster and am assessing the damages...that means I've played all day with my kiddies and we've been extra creative!

I feel a tiny fevered brow...that means my baby's immune system is healthy, doing it's job and fighting that nasty infection!

I am disappointed because my email won't work....that means that supper will be on time today and we will all stay on schedule!

it's raining cats and dogs outside (as has been the weather here for some time)....that means the kids and I will snuggle many times on the couch and just read stories together.

our electricity is out....then I will demonstrate to the kids of how Pioneer People used to live and light candles.

I hear one of my kids crying from a boo-boo....that means I get to hold them and comfort them (building up for that time when they will be on their own and won't ask for hugs, prayers and band aids)

I see all the neighborhood kids running to my open garage....that means my kids will be here instead of who-knows-where doing who-knows-what and I'll get to give lots more love to many more kids that won't forget my house when they are grown.

I am exhausted from a crazy night's sleep because of numerous nightmares from my babies...then I will remember how blessed I am to be the mommy of two, beautiful preemie twins that came home from the NICU happy and healthy.

I am ready for a break from homeschooling my kids that are totally unfocused and full of energy....then I will count how many more days we get the privilege of experiencing the beauty of learning together, as a family.

I wish my husband would take me for a date, but instead asks "What's for dinner?"....then I will hold my tongue and be so grateful to be called the wife of such a wonderful provider, daddy, lover and friend.

I would like to sleep in on Sunday morning and forget getting everyone ready for church, because once I get there I will have babies crawling all over me anyway!....then I will consider how many times I've left the house of God refreshed in His Spirit and ready for a new week. And I will be teaching my children faithfulness in the process.

I have heard disturbing news of a friend's reputation...then I will sincerely pray that they will find their way back and remember that we are all made in the image of God.

I am worried over the reduction of pay in my husband's check....then I will remember the Word that was promised.."Your Heavenly Father knoweth what you have need of." and I will learn to become a better manager of our money.

I am depressed because there is just too much to do. Too many people demanding my attention and no enough me to go around....then I will steal away for a quiet place to pray and discover an even more intimate friend that becomes my Helper!

There are so many beautiful things to see in's all in perspective!

Life is good!


nataliej said...

This is all so true!!!! Thank you for reminding us to look at the positive side of everything... even the poopies in life... at least that means life is flowing! LOL!!!!

Anonymous said...

Great post! You are so right--it is our job to find the beauty in every situation. Especially as mama's! The Lord has really been dealing with me about the huge role that I play in the whole atmosphere of our home.
I am so quick to have the children soak in all the good and I rejoice when I see the fruit of that, but what about the ugly?? Am I aware of the times I spill over frustration and ugliness, or do I just disregard?? Disregarding when it's happening but not when the fruit is staring me in the face!! The Lord's still working on me! Lord, help me to be intentional in every word and action--starting right here within my four walls!
Love you Dar--keep it coming this is good stuff!