Monday, October 4, 2010

"When I was a kid...."

I couldn't believe I was saying this....I sounded just like my momma!

She said it everytime we visited this place. I was ever so glad when she didn't refer to her past.

We climbed the dusty, gravel road with bumps every few inches. Our 2007 Dodge minivan hasn't known roads like these before!

I soaked in the sunshine and enjoyed every crook that road led us down. My mind flew back to the years I'd wandered down this same road as a kid with my cousins. Dirty feet and soggy clothes from swimming in the creek all day and eating hot dogs, marshmallows...just junk, pure junk!

I peered over at my curly girl and her brother remembering that this land was completely foreign to me as a child, too. I was raised in the city with Walmart and a Mall near our house. At that time, I didn't know if I really liked this sort of country life-style. Maybe the ticks and mosquitoes liked me too much, or it could of been the fact that my Uncle Les and Aunt Wanda made their kids do the dinner dishes. We called it a vacation, but for me it was important life lessons that I now appreciate! Whatever the case, it was only until we were leaving to go home that I realized how much I truly enjoyed myself.

Aunt Wanda's fresh, brown country eggs were always more tasty than those bought at Kroger. I couldn't stand the sight of a raw, skinned catfish after we caught several. But the taste, after they'd been fried, was unbelievable!

Today I peered out the kitchen windows of Uncle Lester's cabin at my boy fishing on the dock of Little Black and my heart swelled with memories. This cabin had undergone many nice changes since I slept here as a kid, but it was still a part of my childhood. I remembered the beach and floating down the river on a raft. I wanted to sink back into those times for only a day.

And, here I go, saying it just like my momma, "When I was a kid...." I smiled knowing that my kids could care less about my goings on. But whatever the case, let me say it anyway! :)


WrightLady08 said...

I loved this Sister Darla! What sweet memories! I'm so glad to see that you are back to blogging. Your blogs are always a blessing to me! Much love!

nataliej said...

I can just picture little Lan Man fishing... I am so glad you all had a good time! Love you!