The look of panic crossed his face the moment he knew.
I remember it so well! I had carefully placed a pair of yellow baby booties and my pregnancy test in a beautiful gift bag.
It was our first.
For nine years we were FREE. Free to stay up late (if we wanted to). Free to travel anywhere, eat anywhere without interruptions and cold food. Free to think, act and feel however this husband and wife team wanted to! It was great.
Things would never be the same....and he, this man of mine...this reality-thinker, understood this.
Now, almost a decade later and four (or actually three) positive pregnancy tests later...I am looking at a man that I am so grateful to call the Father of my children.
Think he'd do it all again?.....the twinkle in his eyes the moment babies come running and wrapping their little arms around his pants leg at lunch reveal to me that, yes, undoubtly yes. Besides, who in their right mind would want to trade all those free kisses and hugs for an immaculate house anyway? The feel of their tiny hand holding your finger or watching your eight-year old son hitting that ball just like his daddy did years ago....those moments are not replaceable with things..stuff...or even a steak at Outback!
That moment of panic has turned into one of the most wonderful rolls he plays now:
Not just Father, but Daddy.
Randy Jones is truly a every sense of the word!!
Happy Father's Day
Randy Jones is truly a every sense of the word!!
Happy Father's Day
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