Dedicated to my favorite Curly Girl, Anna Elizabeth Kaye.
Day 1
"Selah visits Granna"
The sun streamed through the window into Selah's (Say-la) room. She opened her sleepy eyes and stretched her arms wide as she flung the soft, pink comforter to the side. Her eyes glanced at the clock, "It's 7 o'clock in the morning....a whole week with Granna!!!" She dressed quickly and neatly folded the covers over her white princess bed. Selah carefully straightened her room, smoothed her blond curls into a pony tail and headed for the breakfast table.
Half-way through her cereal, the phone rang. It was Granna. "I'll be there in 20 minutes, honey. You be ready!"
Eight-year old Selah had waited weeks for this day to come. She had packed her suitcase the night before and could hardly sleep for excitement.
A honk announced Granna's arrival. After good-bye kisses to Mom, Dad and her older brother...she was out the door!
The winding, country road to Granna's house was dotted with wildflowers and canopied by beautiful trees. After a mile or so, it turned to a gravel road. Selah looked at Granna and asked, "Can I run the rest of the way, Granna?"
"Of course, Say!" It was Granna's special nickname that made Selah smile as she unbuckled her seat belt and hopped out.
Granna's house was unique and unlike any other she'd ever been in. It had antiques of years gone by and wooden floors that held the scars and scrapes of many generations of children. Granna and Grampa had moved in that beautiful old house when her 92 year old, Grandmother Sadie, had needed someone to move in with her. It had been in the family for well over a century. Although remodeled and refurbished, it's large, three-story structure still held a distinguished appeal to it. Selah loved hearing the stories of Grandmother Sadie's adventures. The stories of the wishing well on the back of their property was her favorite! Grandmother Sadie had been born in that house and so had all nine of her children. Years of family heirlooms and treasures were stored high up in the attic.
Granna's kitchen was always filled with the aroma of fresh baked bread and usually a homemade pie or cookies. The cabinets had been replaced a few years ago with sturdy oak panels polished nicely. Granna always took special pride in her kitchen and her cooking. She never allowed a dirty dish to lay in her sink very long! She had taught Selah how to knead the dough and shape the bread before putting it in the oven.
Selah carried her fire-engine red suitcase to the top of the stairs. Her room was ready for her! It was a small room with a large, bright window overlooking the rose garden. The walls were pink and white stripped and there was a feather bed on the left that was so soft, Selah would dive in, sinking down in shear delight! Granna had thoughtfully placed a bouquet of Selah's favorite pink roses on the ornately carved antique dresser. The scent of the her freshly cut garden roses was delicious!
A whole week here! Hmmm....wonder what Granna has planned? She pondered as she neatly placed her clothes in the tall, white chest beside her bed. Selah carried her Bible to the night stand on the other side of the bed and whispered a simple prayer that this would be a week to always remember....
(to be continued)
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