Friday, June 18, 2010

Our nighttime routine....

When the sun begins descending behind the tall trees in our backyard, the "nightie-night routine" begins....

A splash-happy bath with four, tiny feet kicking and squeals of laughter. Soap suds cover blond curls and dirty fingers are once again clean. Nice, fluffy towels bring in the finished products and carbon copies lay side-by-side as pajamas are hurriedly pulled over heads.

Tiny toothbrushes are excavating today's menu on little, white teeth. Smiles in abundance! Prayers going up that their mouths will always be filled with His praise....that their words will please Him.

Large glass of our family's popular beverage: water with a touch of "daulic-lemonade" as they call it. (Great way to keep summer mosquitoes and colds at bay!) Tall straw sipping and filling little tummies until they are satisfied.

Two, beautiful boys cuddle close on Mommy's bed to hear stories identifying colors, numbers, alphabet, Cat in God's Tree and Elmo. They are content and happy, so am I.
They help out with all the words.

Now for my favorite part....Lights are turned low and twins are laid all over Mommy like a thick quilt as we begin to sing together. Lullabies....Jesus Is The Sweetest Name I Know....Yes, Jesus Loves Me... A choir of tiny voices fill the Master Bedroom of the Jones' home with praise and worship. Grammar not perfect...pronunciation, that of a typical two-year-old...but beautiful music to my listening ears. We whisper the words of their current memory verse together and say a simple prayer for the night.

Laying there, I silently thank God for every moment He blesses me with my four beautiful children. I am truly blessed. Big brother and sister are patiently waiting their turn of back scratches and prayers in their rooms.

Daddy picks up Lincoln, I take Luke...we say good-night and give last hugs and kisses to each twin. Laying them in their baby beds and turning off light marks the closing of that day and a good night's rest preparing them for a brand new one ahead.

Yes, in only a few years, my dynamic duo (as Daddy puts it) will be tucking thier ownself in bed and, laying heads on soft pillows, whispering a prayer of gratefulness and protection. But for right now... Night-night my little ones....may His love surround you and fill your dreams with happy things.....Mommy loves you.

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