Thursday, March 3, 2011

The BEST homemade fudge....that is, if you like it healthy! :)

Ok, I know that not everyone will go crazy over this recipe, but if you are like us (sweet addicts) and try to steer-clear of the junkies....I think you will like this one!

Semi melt (soften) 1/2 cup coconut oil and add:
1 cup honey
1/2 cup coconut oil (hardened)
2/3 cup your choice of cocoa powder (carob or cocoa powder)

Stir until well blended. That's the basic recipe. I put it in the fridge for an hour or overnight.

You can also stir in these wonderful additions to the fudge while it is soft:
chopped nuts
dried fruit
shredded coconut
peanut butter/almond butter/etc.
ground flaxseed (helps keep blood sugar level)

We've enjoyed this through the holidays. It's very easy and quick to make!!


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