Sunday, March 6, 2011

How Great Is Our God!!

"For the earth shall be filled with knowledge of the glory of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea."

Habakkuk 2:14

Last year, my precious little twin stuffed a portion of a baby wipe up one of his nostrils. I saw it happen and didn't think too much about it until we got home. To make a very long story short, Randy and I tried all the methods/remedies we knew possible to suck that wipe out! Looking back, it's quite hilarious thinking about it! Finally, after several days w/out success, we succumbed to taking him to his pediatrician. It was a beautiful Sunday afternoon and the doctor on call (very kind gentleman) took a good look up the irritated nostril and announced that we would need to contact the ENT for surgery the next morning if nothing happened before then.

On the drive home, I called Pastor Burns and explained Luke's dilemma. He said, "I will pray that he sneezes." I silently remembered all the sneezing we had induced at home without any luck, but BY FAITH would believe this time would be different. I'll be honest, the thought of my baby in surgery didn't thrill me in the least! When we got home I tried my best to put on a happy face for everyone, but inside I was nervous. I remember unloading the dishwasher and preparing for the Sunday evening service. Luke walked over beside the dishwasher close to where I was standing and suddenly began a series of intense sneezing! I became overwhelmed with excitement when I saw that 1 inch wad of baby wipe (and mucus) literally fly out of his nose!! We had church right in the kitchen!! Praising God and dancing! Then a second series of sneezes and another 1 inch wipe came out! Surgery never happened. All was dismissed because as Luke puts it, "Jesus took the wipie out!" Praise God!

Well, today Lincoln has encountered the same issue. It's been several days and, although I didn't see it, the pediatrician feels strongly that he has a foreign object in his nostril. The inflamed, swollen membranes and the smell is obvious that we are needing a new miracle. I reminded the Lord that He has done this once before with Luke....He can do it again for Lincoln :)

I am believing that Lincoln will carry the same testimony Luke has!! In Jesus' Name!

It's always refreshing to remember WHO we serve :)

Is there anything too hard for the Lord?


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