Thursday, June 24, 2010

His First Youth Camp...

We packed in a frenzy Sunday morning after church.

Going on the advice of our great friends, the Grays, we headed for Lake Benson where eight and nine-year olds were running everywhere...

It was time for Youth Camp!

Excitement filled the air and suitcases lined the dorms. Quickly after checking in and being searched for head lice, Landon scouted the crowd for his fellow Bible Quizzers!

Wow...three days without Mom and Dad! Three fun filled days of friends, ice-cream cones and activities! Three days without chores and responsibilities! I know he felt like a FREE MAN!!!

Bro. Clay, his Counselor, reassured us that he would be well taken care of. Landon had quizzed with his son, Wes, and really liked them both. I was glad for that!

I had packed three days worth of casual clothes neatly in gallon sized plastic zip-lock bags with each day written on the front in black marker. I packed all his bathroom toiletries in a duffel bag and any thing else necessary was placed nice and securely in his black suitcase. Everything was organized and looked great! With a disposable camera on hand and $20 for spending money...Landon was ready to go.
He glanced up at me, "Mom are you about to cry?"
"I could if I let myself." Biting my lip, I didn't want to put a damper on this day for him.
I reminisced of my Youth Camp days...those days were so carefree. I was more shy and hesitant to make new friends. But, by the end of the week, I was surrounded by wonderful new friends with names and addresses to keep in touch throughout the year. Time goes by so fast!
The drive took about an hour. He grinned the whole way! I knew the entire $20 would be spent on ice-cream cones....

Leaving him that Sunday night with a crowd of kids and Counselors was difficult for me! His assuring nod that "You can go now, Momma. I'll be alright" helped me and Daddy load the twins in the van and head for home.

Back home, Landon was greatly missed!!! Every day I prayed for him. I wanted the Lord to give him "God Experiences" at camp that would last a lifetime.

Finally, Wednesday came and we drove back down that beautifully tree-lined street to the Camp Ground to pick up my boy!

I spotted him heart melted! His Counselor was near by and reported that Landon had been well behaved. (Whew!) Clay directed me to the boy's dorm deck where I could retrieve his luggage. I looked around at all those little guy's luggage laying around and clothes/underwear/etc drying on the deck's sunshine from what must have been a water fight!
He said his good-byes and climbed into the van. All the way home he shared cute stories and interesting adventures...we laughed over and over!
He and Luke (fellow Bible Quizzer) had been inseparable. He was chased by girls (and didn't like it...he'll feel different about that in a few years!) He and all his dorm buddies had an awesome time together...

He actually had $6 left of the $20 we had given him!! Amazing!

I asked if he took any pictures with the disposable camera. "No, Mom...I couldn't get that thing to work!"

"Did you ask Bro. Clay to help you?"

"Naw, I figured if I didn't know how, surely he wouldn't know either!" We laughed. Mainly because Clay is a doctor.

Everything had been squeezed back into his two pieces of luggage. Including pillow and sleeping bag. (I still don't know how they did it!)

When I unzipped the suitcase lid...Ewwww! I rummaged through damp, dirty clothes all wadded up and stuffed together.....Ugh! Remainders of what must have been a great time on the water slide!
I asked if he wore his dressy shirts during the evening services. "No, Mom, I just wore this" (what he had T-shirt and dirty jeans) "Did you take a shower each night before church?"
"Not Tuesday night. Bro. Clay smelled my hair and said it smelled good."
His daddy and I were really laughing now...
"You haven't had a shower since Monday night?"
"Well, not really." (Lan is not one that considers a shower to be luxurious!)

Today has been his first full day home...he's been napping since 3pm. Now, with the sun setting and he's still zonked, it's evident to me that my little boyfriend has had a wonderful time at his first year of Youth Camp!
Oh yeah, his Aunt Angela reported that he did, indeed, have some God Experiences....he danced and praised God and was renewed in the Holy Ghost....doesn't get any better than that!


WrightLady08 said...

This is precious, Darla! I loved it...especially the part about the shower! He is definitely a boy. =) Love you!

nataliej said...

I absolutely loved my camp days... I think Guy would live there all summer long if he could... Look out Lake Benson... Levi J will be joining the camp crowd next year... with Daddy in tow as counselor! LOL!!!