Thursday, December 29, 2011
Tour De Cinch: Week 11 ~ Randy's Christmas Weight Loss Results ;)
Well there are a lot of things I could share on this last week of the year but since I have limited time I will get right to the heart of this blog. Are you ready to make some changes in the New Year? And for what this blog is about I’m mostly referring right now to lifestyle changes to improve your health and the way you feel (I hope for sure that you will want to make some changes that will draw you closer to God, first and foremost). Have you set goals? Do you have a plan? If so, is your plan new or just another try at an old one? These are just some questions to inspire your thoughts and hopefully motivate you to believe that you can make some positive changes and stick with them. I’ll be the first to admit that I’m no great example of weight loss success but I am proud of the fact that back in 2005 at 298 lbs. I decided that I had to make some changes…got on my bike, rode thousands of miles, learned how to eat reasonably healthy and started a journey to better health (I lost about 93 lbs.). I must also admit that back in late September of this year when I was looking in to the Shaklee Cinch plan, I was a little skeptical based on what I’d learned over the years about weight loss but I decided to give it a try since I needed to get rid of some lbs that I had gained am I ever glad that I did! This was just the plan that I needed to jump start me back to healthier eating and weight and, yes, based on what I’ve learned, I absolutely believe that I can maintain a reasonable weight going forward. If there are any of you that this interests, I would love for you to join me on your own personal “Tour de Cinch” in the coming New Year…let me know and we’ll be glad to help.
So in closing, how did I do this week even after Christmas breakfast, Christmas supper, Christmas trip to Nashville complete with a trip to Logan’s, Maggiano’s, California Pizza, etc., etc. etc…I still lost ½ pound and I am proud of that ½ pound. Total of 19 lbs!! Happy New Year and God Bless till next year. RJ
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
Week 10 Randy's "Tour De Cinch" Weight Loss Adventure!!
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Week 9 "Tour De Cinch" :) Weight Loss Adventure!
I love to watch my children as they experience the magic (I don’t use that word much, but it does seem magical) of it all…the Christmas parade, putting up the tree and, of course, our annual trip to the Opryland Hotel to see the lights. This year has been an incredible year in so many ways but yet sad in some others. I lost my father in March of this year and I know they’ll be an empty spot this year (already has been) along with other losses/tragedies that I’ve watched in our community. However, God has been so faithful as He always has been. I guess you’ve probably realized by now that this post does not have a whole lot to do with the “tour” but I just wanted to take this time to wish all who read this a very Merry Christmas (yes that’s how we say it). Please take time this Christmas and consider all that God has done for you...your health, your family, etc. It really is a “wonderful life” and you are a blessing to someone whether you know it or not. Ok, so in closing, how did I do? Lost another pound which gives me a total of 17. Peace and blessings to you. Randy
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
Week 8 "Tour De Cinch" Weightloss Adventure!!!
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Week 7 Randy's "Tour De Cinch" Thanksgiving Weigh In Results!! :)
My confession: Now I must admit that with all the festivities I have actually dreaded/feared the Tuesday weigh in day much more than normal this week…and the fact that this is getting posted for all the world (actually there are quite a few of you who are reading this so that’s really why I continue to subject myself to this blog thingy) causes me to consider the big what if…like what if I gain 5 lbs. this week? And, BTW, that would actually be about par for the course for me and a lot of others I’m sure, can I get a witness? So now to the big question, how did the first holiday stage of the “Tour de Cinch” do this week? Surprisingly well! (and I was prepared to give you the bad news), as of last week, I had last a total of about 13 lbs., this week I’m at almost 16 lbs. total. Here’s a few more facts too, I’ve lost a total of about 3” in my waist…I’ll spare you all the details and just tell you that I’ve lost about 10” total between, chest, waist, hips and thighs.
I hope all of you have a great rest of the week and let me know if you would be interested in joining the “tour”. I’m ready for a full peloton of “Cinched” comrades to ride into the New Year with! Peace and Blessings! RJ
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Week 6 "Tour De Cinch" rolls into Thanksgiving!!
"In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you." 1 Thessalonians 5:18
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Week 5 of Randy's "Tour de Cinch" :) It's getting EXCITING!!
God Bless you all till next week!
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
Week 4 ~ Randy's "Tour De Cinch" Weightloss Adventure!
This month's obstacles will no doubt be the many Thanksgiving celebrations at work, home and church :) And, yes, as you all know, there'll be enough food to feed an army! But I can honestly look at these special times with famiy and friends without fear of gaining excess pounds this year. Cinch has given me the motivation I needed for more control over my cravings for excess. I think weight loss motivation is of upmost importance. I'm currently following "Fit2Fat2Fit" website that chronicles Drew Mannings experience in gaining, yes, gaining 76 lbs in 6 months. If you don't know this story check it out on the web. Another source of motivation is that I've been invited in April of 2012 to be a part of the Georgia Bicycle Boot Camp that is hosted by some friends.
My take-home point for this week is this: Stay motivated, stay focused! Don't let the holidays bog you down through excess. Your health is worth it!
God bless you, until next week!
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
Week 3 Randy's "Tour De Cinch" Weight Loss Adventure :)
Almost 8lbs and 2 3/4 inches GONE!!! Yeah!!
I am delighted to say that after 21 days on the "Tour" I am still feeling GREAT! This week, even though outside temps were a little on the chilly side, I did find some time to get in several miles of cycling as well as some gym time. I usually rise well before 5am for prayer and the Word, then exercise, then a 10 hour work day, then home to whatever adventure that awaits. I said that to say this, I have really good energy all the way to bedtime!
This past week I had the privilege of going to Nashville with my lovely wife (that's a privilege in itself) to meet Roger and Sloan Barnett, the owner and CEO of Shaklee. They were on a tour that included Nashville due to incredible things happening with Shaklee in Tennessee. We were also invited to a private reception before the main event complete with food, meet and greet time and plenty of photo opportunities. I found Roger to be a very kind, gracious man...actually nothing like all the rest of the billionaires that I know, LOL! Seriously, I was impressed. Roger even took time out to send a personal video greeting to Landon, our son. Roger and Sloan both spoke during the main session and each did a wonderful job at sharing the passion and vision for Shaklee and how it is helping change people's lives in a number of positive ways.
While Dar and I are still relatively new to this business, I left the meeting with a sense that we have made a good decision in becoming a part of this organization. I would like to qualify that statement by saying that over the last 30 years of my adult life I have been introduced/approached with numerous of these so called "opportunities" and I have always been a very, very hard sale (joining none). I always said that if I truly found a product that I really believed in, then I could be a part of it. As you may know, Dar and I do try to make healthier choices in our diet and use as many natural defenses and remedies, but I think that these great supplements are the missing link until we can get back in to the Garden of Eden :)
God bless!
Monday, October 24, 2011
Week #2 Randy's "Tour De Cinch" Weight Loss Adventure!
So far, one of the highlights of this plan is that there are NO ENERGY DROPS that traditional dieting brings. Just a constant, steady flow of stamina. Although, I do experience hunger when it's time for dinner :) By having 2 shakes a day, it has helped in keeping my portions controlled at dinner time. I just simply can't eat as much.
I am VERY pleased with this program thus far! Looking forward to next week.
I'd love for anyone interested to join me on this me, it's a "Cinch" ;)
(Cinch is a safe, effective and easy way to lose weight. It is all natural with zero artificial anything and has a 100% money back guarantee! Give us a call at 731.847.4522 or visit our online store at
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Happy 10th Birthday Landon, I LOVE YOU!!"
Monday, October 17, 2011
Week #1 Randy's "Tour De Cinch" Weight-loss Countdown! :)
After my first week, I have found it to be very doable, delicious and easy to incorporate into my daily schedule. Also, I lost 5 lbs!! Yeah!! Each week I plan to update our blog about how I feel, the weight I've lost and other exciting news! I will be exercising (resistance training at the gym and cycling) along with Cinch. I have found out that, while exercise is a good thing, doing it alone did not keep my weight off.
If you or anyone you know would like to join the "Tour De Cinch" with me (whether 5lbs or 100!) give us a call 731-847-4522 or visit our online health & wellness store at: to view a short video clip giving information about Cinch, and then tab over to "shop" for product information.
Join me each week on this exciting journey as we "Tour De Cinch" our way through the end of this year!
Thursday, July 14, 2011
Super Delicious & Healthy Chocolate Non-Oatmeal Cookies
My version of Chocolate Non-Oatmeal Cookies:
3/4 cup coconut oil
1/2 cup honey
stevia to taste (I used the liquid and gave it a good squirt!! :)
1/2 cup cocoa powder or carob powder
1 1/2 cups raw nuts (I used almonds, cashews and walnuts mixed)
1/2 c. peanut butter (I used a mixture of cashew butter, almond and peanut butter)
1/2 c. or more of unsweetened, flaked coconut
Put all ingredients in a skillet and slowly warm it up until all is melted and mixed well. Let it cool for 10 minutes and then spoon mixture onto wax paper with a large tablespoon. (You can add oatmeal if you would like) These cookies are fabulous and it's hard to keep the kids out of them....since they are nutritious, I let mine dig in!! :)
Everyday Light

Tuesday, July 12, 2011
Something to ponder on...:0)
Today, Anna and I were blessed to have the unique opportunity to have a "girlie swim" in our generous neighbor's beautiful pool!! We laughed, talked and soaked in the Vitamin D together! :) I mused to myself as I watched her doing all her "aquatic acrobats" in her cute, flowing dress! It took my mind back to just a few years ago.....
My little Lan-man made his personal decision of modesty at around 5 or 6. He began feeling a "need" to dress himself in privacy, being very careful that mommy and Anna didn't see too much! :) I respected that and did the same. In fact, his new found conviction affected the entire way our family operated around each other. That has included the attire we choose to swim in. Are we having just as much fun in the pool? You bet!
My question to my children is this, "What is the first thing the man did after Jesus took the devils out?"......can you guess? Yes, that right, the man put on clothes. In fact, when the towns people found the man, the Bible says that he was clothed and in his right mind!! that's something to ponder on!! ;)
Saturday, July 2, 2011
Happy Birthday Daddy :)
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
She's 60 today!! :)
Sunday, June 12, 2011
19 years ago today.....
Monday, May 9, 2011
Exercising for the Elderly ;)
I'm simply too busy to find the time to exercise!! I want to feel strong and run free, but my body is beginning to feel like it's 20 years older than it actually is. :( So, I've resolved to find an accountability partner and start moving!!
I know these first few days will not be easy, but I'm hoping that early mornings will find me walking outside with the Lord and the beautiful sunrise!! Nothing beats spending time with Him first thing in the morning. I'm looking forward to it!! Problem is, I'm not a very good morning person. I've always wanted to be, but neither was my momma!! :) My precious hubby rises with the roosters and always has. Lucky him! Whatever the case, my 7am is going to turn into 6am and those tired, old legs (Lord willing) are going feel the shock of early morning movement!! :)
And, to whoever will join me, $1 goes to each day that I don't do it!! (You know this can add up!)
With that kind of commitment, I'm too broke not to exercise!!! LOL!!
I'm remembering the kid's BQ verse, "Bodily exercise profiteth little, but godliness is profitable unto all things.." (Sorry, I'm not good w/references) But it did say that bodily exercise does profit, even if it is a little :)
Sunday, May 8, 2011
Happy Mother's Day!!!
Thursday, April 28, 2011
A Note of Encouragement to our Bible Quiz Family!
Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day.....
Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth....
And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God..."
Ephesians 6:10-13, 14, 17
A Roman soldier's girdle was a strong belt which wrapped around his loins, binding the armour tight to his body, and preventing it from interfering with the freedom of his action.
The girdle braced him up, gave him a sense of firmness and a consciousness of compact and concentrated force.
See the application: Take the TRUTH, and wrap it round about your life. Wear it like a belt, to give you strength. Let it gather up the whole of your life, and bind it into compactness. Don't allow your life to be loose, indefinite, limp and inconclusive. Let it be firm, assured and decisive.
The Apostle Paul wore this belt and nothing could intimidate him. This belt gave him a sense of power as he cried out, "I can do all things through Christ who strengtheneth me!"
Are we wearing the belt today? Are we trying to live the Christian life without daily revelations, without the sustaining power of the mighty truths which Christ made known?
Revealed truth is the dynamic of the spiritual life.
~devotional by Rev. J. H. Jowett
Now, you dear Bible Quiz Family! Each day of your labor in the Word is sharpening you and your child's weapon for spiritual warfare. The Word is Truth! In today's society there is doctrinal confusion on every side. That is why it is so important to tighten the belt of truth around us while we carry this precious Sword.
Remember that Bible Quizzing is only a tool to tighten it! It's repetitiveness will seal His Word deep in the root system of our minds and hearts!
Be encouraged today!! You are saturating your Home with the wonderful Word of God!!
It will be WORTH IT!!!
Friday, April 22, 2011
The Day That Gave Us Freedom
The broken body of our Lord. His pain and suffering. His tears and blood flowing from a heart of love.
This day, over 2,000 years ago, was the day we began our liberation as Gentiles. He died for our freedom! Every time I see an American flag flying high and so proudly, I choke back tears of thankfulness for the men who paid the price for our freedom. Singing the patriotic songs always brings a soberness to me. I'm not a political fanatic (as my dad is :), but I understand that I am living the American Dream because somebody sacrificed their life for it.
That freedom is simply not compared to this one, though. You can be in the darkest prison, the loneliest of can be locked behind bars...even as a prisoner of war...but no one can really bind your spirit! I've seen cancer with it's ugliest face overcome a child of God and I knew they were not truly bound. The freedom of hope in their eyes proclaimed the Liberty that was given them because of this day! There have been others that have faced fiery trials and seemingly hopeless situations with great faith.
Christmas is awesome with all it's celebrations and the joy of Jesus' birth. But this weekend was the real reason He came. Shouldn't it be celebrated with as much enthusiasm?
Tonight we will carefully read the beautiful story of His suffering. I know my kids won't understand my tears, but one day they will. As Daddy gently holds the Word and explains why He died, I pray that revelation light will come to my children's young minds. And a new, fresh love for the ways of the Lord will illuminate our hearts. It is our hope. Those tough-looking Roman soldiers just thought they had Him bound! :)
Early Sunday morning, as our family tradition goes, we will gather on the front porch and watch the sun rise as we complete the Story of His Resurrection and Power!! Hot biscuits will be steaming from a basket and blankets wrapped around little arms as Daddy leads us in the BEST STORY EVER TOLD!!
What about the Easter bunny? We like the candy, but my 3 year-old twins are scared to death of him! ;)
Blessings to your family on this beautiful weekend of remembrances!
Sunday, April 10, 2011
BQ Winners and Losers
Saturday, March 26, 2011
The Sheath
Powerful words.
The God/man Jesus, who was perfect in every aspect of the word, knew that His life on earth was simply about this one thing: To complete and accomplish the will of God on earth.
The setting of this scripture is Peter trying to rightfully take control of the situation in the Garden of Gethsemane prior to Jesus being taken by the soldiers and high priests.
Isn't that the way our flesh responses to crisis? Take control. Stop it from happening. Get angry. Pull out that sword and fight. Stress. Fear. Anxiety.
I am amazed at the calm in Jesus.
The storm...He was sleeping.
The garden....He was willingly led away.
He knew His purpose. He had already committed His future.
So, here's where I'm at: What does the "sheath" represent to me? Put up thy sword into the sheath. What do I need to do with anger/needing control/anxieties/fears? This may sound crazy, but the sheath is a place where the sword lays dormant....unused....uneeded. It's a place that I decide to stop fighting His plan and purpose for me.
How often am I using the sheath is up to me.
I know that without His guidance I tend to use the sword of self too often.
Lord, let me remain in Your calm and peace! So that there is no need to control....
"Jesus, take the wheel."
Thursday, March 24, 2011
In prayer I was pondering how truly different we are from the attitude of the "world". So, I made two columns and listed the attitude of this world, and the attitude God designed for us to have. Here they are:
World's Way:
Comparing ourselves, our children or others/partiality/prejudice
disobedience (I'm understanding that it's just as important for me to obey as it is for my children to obey me!)
lust of our flesh/eyes/etc.
cares of this world (remember...they "choke" out the Word?)
outward adornments (Paul gave us this admonishment: "In like manner also that women adorn themselves in modest apparel, with shamefacedness and sobriety; not with broided hair, or gold, or pearls, or costly array." 1 Timothy 2:9)
God's ways:
Obedience (the very first step!)
Servant's heart/lowliness/meekness...prefering our brother above ourselves
JOY (Jesus/Others/ that order)
Total dependence on the Lord (even if we are financially's a simple understanding: It ALL belongs to Him!)
Finding pleasure in His presence!
Faith & Trust
Inward adornments which is the Fruit of the Spirit
holiness (taking on His mind set and desiring to be like Jesus!)
How to conquer the world's attitudes:
First of all, Prayer!!
Then the Word:
1 Thessalonians 5:15-22, Ephesians 6:10-18, Psalms 1, Proverbs 3:1-12
I plan on posting this list on the bulletin board of my heart to keep out those things that try to creep in ;)
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Critical Care Compassion
What opportunities I saw!! So much compassion and love were displayed to each of us!! A very special man comes daily to pray with each one of the families and comfort them. He feels this is what God would have him to do. Yes, he works a job and has a family. But immediately after work he makes his way to that special waiting room and ministers hope.
Bonding time and weariness seem to go hand-in-hand here and a sense of the unknown looms over every one's head. But, as we experienced, the presence of our awesome God shatters fear and gives peace.
We don't know how long our visits to this hospital will continue, but we do know that with every day...every step...He is guiding and directing our way!
Sunday, March 13, 2011
Today's lesson...
One of the younger fell and got a really bad scrape on the knee. To which she came in crying and feeling really sad. I carried her, doctored up her boo-boos and told her to rest on the couch. The eldest came near and was looking for ways to comfort. (Which is her incredible gift from the Lord) She began reading a "Fancy Nancy" book to our patient. The two were smiling and bonding in friendship within a few minutes. I would imagine that if Jesus were a child again, this is probably what He would be doing :)
I'm thinking of the Samaritan and his kindness and finding that this same kindness can be found today in the heart of a beautiful 9 year old girl. I hope that I find that same sweet spirit in my own heart.....looking...seeking ways to minister comfort, kindness and love.
I've found that it's even more effect to minister outside of the church walls than within.
Lord, May our eyes be wide open and aware of our neighbor's needs today :)
Friday, March 11, 2011
For any heart that is hungry for love, find it here. There are no empty promises, emotional rebounds, highs and lows in Jesus. His ways are simple. But the secret come.
Maybe you have come, but it's been a while since you felt His nearness. His voice whisper in your know, that's how He talks...usually in whispers.
May you really find Him today!
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
What A Momma!!
I visualize myself as a quiet, gentle and longsuffering lady that my children tenderly call "Mother". I imagine that I would love to wake my kids up at 5:30 every day for morning devotion as we gather around the livingroom and then after breakfast everyone joyfully engages in their chores and schoolwork. I dream of being a discreet woman of wisdom that her children turn to for safety.
Back to the real world, I am realizing this more and more: It takes the GRACE and MERCY of the Lord to make me the kind of Momma I so long to be!
I've found the Biblical model is Proverbs 31. I pray that I will be her. I want my children to rise up and call me blessed. I'm not seeking for a Hollywood body or the wealth of Donald Trump. I don't desire a career that would put me on the cover of a magazine. My heartbeat is to imitate the Lord and that my four beautiful blessings along with my precious husband would see Him in me.....every day. That's it. Nothing else. Because when they see Him, so will everyone else!
Sunday, March 6, 2011
How Great Is Our God!!
Last year, my precious little twin stuffed a portion of a baby wipe up one of his nostrils. I saw it happen and didn't think too much about it until we got home. To make a very long story short, Randy and I tried all the methods/remedies we knew possible to suck that wipe out! Looking back, it's quite hilarious thinking about it! Finally, after several days w/out success, we succumbed to taking him to his pediatrician. It was a beautiful Sunday afternoon and the doctor on call (very kind gentleman) took a good look up the irritated nostril and announced that we would need to contact the ENT for surgery the next morning if nothing happened before then.
On the drive home, I called Pastor Burns and explained Luke's dilemma. He said, "I will pray that he sneezes." I silently remembered all the sneezing we had induced at home without any luck, but BY FAITH would believe this time would be different. I'll be honest, the thought of my baby in surgery didn't thrill me in the least! When we got home I tried my best to put on a happy face for everyone, but inside I was nervous. I remember unloading the dishwasher and preparing for the Sunday evening service. Luke walked over beside the dishwasher close to where I was standing and suddenly began a series of intense sneezing! I became overwhelmed with excitement when I saw that 1 inch wad of baby wipe (and mucus) literally fly out of his nose!! We had church right in the kitchen!! Praising God and dancing! Then a second series of sneezes and another 1 inch wipe came out! Surgery never happened. All was dismissed because as Luke puts it, "Jesus took the wipie out!" Praise God!
Well, today Lincoln has encountered the same issue. It's been several days and, although I didn't see it, the pediatrician feels strongly that he has a foreign object in his nostril. The inflamed, swollen membranes and the smell is obvious that we are needing a new miracle. I reminded the Lord that He has done this once before with Luke....He can do it again for Lincoln :)
I am believing that Lincoln will carry the same testimony Luke has!! In Jesus' Name!
It's always refreshing to remember WHO we serve :)
Is there anything too hard for the Lord?
Thursday, March 3, 2011
The BEST homemade fudge....that is, if you like it healthy! :)
Semi melt (soften) 1/2 cup coconut oil and add:
1 cup honey
1/2 cup coconut oil (hardened)
2/3 cup your choice of cocoa powder (carob or cocoa powder)
Stir until well blended. That's the basic recipe. I put it in the fridge for an hour or overnight.
You can also stir in these wonderful additions to the fudge while it is soft:
chopped nuts
dried fruit
shredded coconut
peanut butter/almond butter/etc.
ground flaxseed (helps keep blood sugar level)
We've enjoyed this through the holidays. It's very easy and quick to make!!
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Words to live by...
1 Thessalonians 5:18
Very thankful for this verse! I hear it almost every day through my kiddies quoting their Bible Quiz material :)
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Blessed are those who follow the Lord!!!
Of course, it's how each one of us measure success, individually, that really counts. How do you look at success? I look around my day and feel the abundance of God's provision and blessings! This week I am blessed with five children to care for. Blessed?! Glad you asked.
My precious friend is battling in prayer for her father's life this week at Jackson General. I am keeping her sweet Levi. We are enjoying him so much! Each child teaches me a lesson of love and patience. Some are quick to obey, others dilly-dally around. He's not one of them! He loves to work. WOW!! He is schooling beside Anna at the diningroom table this week. I love watching him "catch on" :) It's a unique privilege to teach both children together. They are very competitive and, therefore, try harder to out do each other! He has become another "drip" from heaven's blessings to our home.
How can children be considered "blessings"? Don't they drive you crazy? Sometimes....but when I see that gleam of delight in their little eyes....when I feel their small, innocent arms around my weary neck....when they whisper love words like "I love you, Momma" to my ears.....when they bring me love letters that took them 45 minutes to write...when they keep their rooms clean and help around the house....I just can't help but call them blessings. I love to wrestle with all three of my boys! I love to have tea parties with my Anna. All these moments are priceless! Sometimes I have to let the house go and, for me, that can be depressing! But I remember that these moments don't last forever. One day I will be alone with my sweet husband just waiting to hear from my adult children as they lead their own lives. That's why I cherish and treasure these days. I am careful to maintain a morning routine of necessary responsibility. I don't want my kids growing up without it! But the more the merrier! Older ones help with the little ones and watch how the bond of love grows :) It's beautiful...amazing!! Yes, I'm know I'm different from the standard American woman of the 21st century! Although I'm just as career minded as anyone I know, my career doesn't offer any vacation days, monetary bonuses, etc. But, WOW....the rewards are priceless!!!
Well, like I's all in how you look at it!
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
In a Vita-Mix (or powerful blender), blend for 1-2 minutes:
1 c. raw almonds
1 c. coconut milk (unsweetened) I use "Thai" brand
1/2 c. maple syrup, 1/2 c. dates or stevia
4 c. purified water
splash of vanilla flavoring
dash of sea salt
powdered probiotics (optional)
Strain w/ a fine mesh cloth, cheesecloth, even unused panty hose works well ;)
Serve chilled. A great milk to serve w/cereal in the morning, milkshakes, recipes, etc. You can add more sweetener or less to taste!
Monday, January 10, 2011
A new view on my New Year's Resolution List!
Here are a few tips for us to live by:
1. "This outer shell is simply an envelope for my spirit. The contents are precious, eternal and costly, bought with a price, and the envelope has been fashioned by the world's greatest designer, the Creator Himself".
2. "God loves you, just the shape you are and there isn't a single number on the scale that could ever change that!"
3. "Each year, each week, each day, and each hour we are offered choices. Should I grab a soda or water, a bag of chips or an apple...take the stairs or the elevator? The reason we fail to consider these choices as carefully as we should is because the value we place on them is so low."
4. "When we resist temptation, it eventually flees." (James 4:7)
5. "Self-disciplines when applied to our life not only bring self-respect; they also bring the respect from others around us."
6. "Prosperity gives us the option for gluttony, a sin the Bible warns against. But many of us aren't sure where pleasure ends and gluttony begins."
Very thought provoking today!! I've printed off the entire article and will post it near where I can review each day and remind myself, "Who am I serving? Myself, my appetites, my cravings....or God?"
Good stuff.
Monday, January 3, 2011
Jan 3rd....Thankfulness Today
2. A precious Momma that brings Cornmeal Soup because all my kids have runny noses and who shows me what it is like to have reached "perfection" as a Woman/Mother/Christian.